This MANTRA came to me today as I walked in nature through the woods. I am blessed to live so close to a wide expanse of nature where I can clear my mind, cry, release, and return to equilibrium.
I recognise my tendency to take on the stresses of my life and the external world. To hold that energy in my body we know only causes imbalance, toxins and a low immune system.
It is time to release this habit once and for all.
The stresses are fear - false evidence appearing real. Projecting low consciousness into the fabric of my future.
The energetic shift in the cosmos at the end of this month - with a lunar eclipse - pulls us into a the glaring choices we must make for ourselves.
Will I stay in this low vibration or pull myself out. It is my choice alone.
No matter what is going on in the world, I still have the choice, the space, the free mind to ensure I stay in a high vibration.
Yes the world is changing at a fast pace. It can be intimidating and imposing for sure. But it doesn’t have to be.
When we look inside and realise our Divine gifts, our true nature, our abilities to be in control of our emotions - a smile will break onto your face, you will fill up with Love energy, warming your insides, an excitement rises and you know there is nothing you cannot do.
We are love, we are one. Peace abides. Love is free. The world is ours. This life is momentary. We are here for only a whisper. Make your life full. Bring yourself into that love vibration. Smile through the challenges and the knocks.
Sustain the high vibrations - don’t drop it for anyone.
Let others mirroring your energy find you. Become the community of which you have dreamed.